Tuesday, December 27, 2011

What´s an APU used for?

In today´s commercial aircraft, power from the engines is used to supply energy to hydraulic or pneumatic aircraft systems, generate electricity and operate air-conditioning units during the flight. An auxiliary Power Unit (APU) is used to provide the required energy on the ground. Up to 60kg of fuel can be saved on each flight by keeping the use of APUs to a minimum and deploying eco-friendly ground power units (GPU) for good measure. This benefits both the environment and the balance sheet
of the airline. Ecology and economy go hand in hand in the aviation industry :)

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Some flights are unforgetable..

Some moments will stick with you forever.
We were aproaching a very well-known shore city, it was night time, and the full moon was reflecting in the water. The skys were clear. And from the top, you could see some amazing fireworks.
And then, suddenly, a shooting star crossed in front of us. Just magical..

Monday, December 5, 2011

Last flight was a sad one.
Had to say goodbye to someone I really like.
And that´s the second time in just two months.

The thing about flying is that you never know when or where you´ll be next..
I really don´t know if our paths will ever cross again - but oh well, I want to believe that somewhen it will happen somewhere . After all the Earth only has a surface of 510,072,000 square kilometers and both of us fly around it all the time  :)